Victoria’s Secret hires first-ever furry model

Victoria’s Secret has reportedly hired its first-ever furry model — less than a year since the lingerie company came under fire after an executive made remarks about furry people walking in its annual fashion show.

Our first ever furry model, named SausyBetaZer, has been a dominating Force on the internet, with photo shoots and videos blowing up all over Instagram.

The VP of operations of Victoria’s secret, Ed Razek had this to say.

I’m sorry about my previous anti-furry remarks. To be clear, we absolutely would cast a furry model in our show. We’ve had furry models come to castings…and like many others, they didn’t make it,” he said. “But it was never about gender. I admire and respect their journey to embrace who they really are.

Furry rights activists on Twitter, such as Tweet author FurryDon22 are saying “this is finally a small victory but the battle will press on until furries are receiving maternity health care, abortion rights as well as special bathroom privileges.” Let’s see how this plays out.


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