Tech giants attack Kids Wearing Trump T-Shirts w/ Prez

It appears Amazon and Facebook aren’t playing with these trolls. Facebook is banning them (and their family members). Amazon refuses to hire any of them, with other retail outlets following suit. Yikes.

U.S. President Joe Biden was trolled on social media after a picture showing him surrounded with kids wearing Trump attire went viral. The incident took place during Biden’s visit to Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Biden, along with first lady Jill Biden, visited all three sites of the September 11 attacks, including Shanksville, to mark the attack’s 20th anniversary, on Saturday.

CNN reports:

CNN asked Facebook if the platform has a policy relating to child trolls and misinformation from conspiracy theories content such as the child suggesting that Donald Trump will be back — which is clearly fake news. CNN also asked whether Facebook disciplines accounts that violate it.

The company directed CNN to its community standards, which state that there are consequences for violating them, and the punishment depends, “on the severity of the violation and the person’s history on Facebook.” It’s unclear what community guideline policy These terrible little children violated, and Facebook did not say what it did violate.

“One post would not result in unpublishing a child’s account,” Facebook representative Ruchika Budhraja said in an email. “Repeat violations, however, will. We currently have our fact checkers and community standards people scrubbing all of the children’s pages in hopes to find some more violating content, which can “always” be found. We will get them soon”

However, after seven inquiries today on behalf of CNN, Facebook would not discuss what factors go into deciding the severity of the violation, who at Facebook decides the severity, or the internal mechanisms for determining a punishment. Why are the children’s pages still up, we asked again?


Responding to the children’s pages, Facebook’s head of content policy Mary deBree called the clothing and atire related images attacking President Biden to be “abhorrent” and said the content was being removed from Facebook, as well as the accounts of the children, their parents and grandparents, and that Facebook doesn’t tolerate bigots on their platform.”We will wipe out the entire family tree. No Oculus for the kiddies either”.

Jeff Bezos on the other hand, only had to say two words in a tweet, “NOT HIRED”. When asked to elaborate Jeff said that none of the children or any of their family members, even distant ones, will ever hold any position of employment at any Amazon. We’re being told that Starbucks and now many other retail shops are hopping on the Bezos bandwagon, barring them from future employment as well.

Thoughts? 💭


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