Study: 93% of men that wear skinny jeans find other men attractive

Boston, MA – a 30-page scholarly study headed by Dr Richard Cranium claims that more than 90% of men who actively wear skinny leg jeans find other men in skinny leg jeans attractive.

Dr. (and Professor) Cranium at Harvard’s social psychology department held a study involving 1,000 men ages 18 through 29 who admit to owning and wearing at least one pair of skinny leg jeans. Each man was led to a dressing room with a wardrobe of skinny leg jeans to do what they wanted.

Over half of these men spent the day trying on various pairs of jeans while admiring their own backside in front of the changing mirror. More interesting, when the case studies were shown images of other men wearing skinny leg jeans, 930 of the subjects either blushed or smiled, with complimentary comments such as “those jeans are cute”.

The good doctor believes the study results revolve around the tightness of the jeans, tucking the male anatomy completely in and backwards, often times forcing the genitalia to brush up against one’s posterior, thus eliciting feminine feelings and sensations.

Comedian and funny man Chris Rock is also under Fire from the LBGTQ Community today after making an insensitive skinny leg Jean post in relation to the study:

What about that skinny leg jeans study? You know what I think people? If a girl wear skinny leg jeans she probably suck your ****. If a guy wears skinny leg jeans he’ll probably suck your ****.

He has recently apologized after Hollywood threatened to terminate all of his ongoing employment. More on this story as it unfolds.


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