After years of uphill battle, the much persecuted “want-to-be / wannabe” class composed of primarily Caucasian youth has reached an apex.
Today Donald Trump has signed into law through executive order, a new bill granting minority status to all Caucasian youth identifying as “Urban”, and or Caucasians with a deep regard for the urban culture. These young white men, often from predominantly white areas, are typically isolated based on dress and behavior obscure to their native peers.
Trump tweets:
These men are now protected from hate speech just as any other minority is in America. We need to be mindful of these hard-working Americans. No more holding them back. The Vicious Cycle of hatred ends today.
The Oval Office was in an uproar at that moment as Trump penned the executive order which outlines not only hate speech but scholarship opportunities, preference in job placement and much more.
Are you mindful of others? We at the Tribune suggest you learn about the society you live in. There are several deciding factors that determine whether or not someone with the Caucasian appearance identifies as a “wannabe”.
Does the Caucasian person…
- Have a gold grill?
- Listen to rap music?
- Own a Honda Civic with rims and speakers valued more than the car?
- Sag his pants?
- Straight brim hat?
- Poses in photos with awkward gang signs?
- Talk about hardships while living in his parents suburb basement rent free?
Be mindful of their status. This person may be a wannabe. It’s also noteworthy that these youth have denounced the term “wigger”. The term is offensive and using it without being part of the community may result in loss of job or worse, you may be charged with a hate crime.
Donald Trump continued his conference stating:
Wiggers, excuse me… posers, have suffered more and more in recent years. More than anyone. Those days are over. We are proud to unveil a 30 billion dollar “United Want To Be college fund“, preferred preference for employment with points on civil service exams, and we offer tax credits for any company wishing to hire wannabes.
Ivy League schools are on board too. The Matrix for accepting students will give preference to wannabe students as well. Once again this is a monumental milestone, as wannabes all over the nation have done so much for the American music and entertainment industry.
If it weren’t for them, my statisticians tell me rappers would not have the album sales to fuel their lifestyles and many of them may even he dead or in jail. Bigly.

Trump them could be seen posing with Tre Quan, a wannabe from Lancaster Pennsylvania who somehow spoke with an Inglewood Californian accent.
Donald cares for me. He cares for us. My people can finally get an education. When you see us, know we are people just like you. There is no reason to lock your car door when you see us. Stop the hate. For real though.
Tre Quan thanked Trump for helping “his people” and while the improved treatment warrants the celebration, it is still an “uphill battle” climbing the mountain known as equality.
Stay tuned for future updates.