Nurse arrested operating sex ring at local nursing home — feeding patients Viagra.

Orlando Florida – Kimberly Wolcott of Shady Acres Nursing Home was arrested early Monday morning at her place of residence on multiple counts of endangering the welfare of the elderly as well as sexual assault and sex trafficking.

In total there were 15 victims, all patients of her place of employment at Shady Acres.

Mrs Wolcott, also an immigrant here illegally on a outdated Visa, has been under direct investigation by local Orlando to detective who while undercover infiltrated what he’s calling a massive sex slave ring by posing as a geriatric patient for more than 6 months.

Local detective Christopher Keegan was all smiles at his press conference today as he for the first time was openly permitted to talk about his investigation. He mentions his tales of heroics humbly:

Nurse Kimberly Wolcott thought I was just another Resident for a while and I thought maybe the department had her pegged wrong. You see it’s not uncommon for a doctor or nurse practitioner to therapeutically prescribe Viagra to the elderly. It gets many docile Patient’s patients active, you know playing with it.

Not only is there physical health benefits, but mentally it has brought many patients out of near catatonic States. Seeing Mr. Winky wake from his slumber for the first time in years or even decades really does something to the psyche of some elderly.

The Tribune was devastated when we learned that Mrs. Wolcott was prescribing dozens of her patients Viagra for more Sinister reasons. After several patient started suffering from complications of multiple STDs in nursing homes director Mark Vanderburgh took action.

We knew Kimberly was behind the masturbation therapy so we decided to look a bit further with the help of the Orlando Police Department.

Detective keagan’s deposition is as follows:

One hour after Mrs Wolcott offered me a crushed-up Viagra to snort off her breast, (which I willfully declined for the oral variation) nurse Keegan undressed me and asked me if I was “a dirty old man”.

She had me naked in bed with my member in her hands and right before she got herself on top of me she did a bait and switch.

She brought in an elderly woman from room 206 to have her way with me. It was Mrs Peterson, my second grade teacher. Her mind had degraded to mush much from the dementia but I knew exactly who she was.

The moment Mrs Peterson slipped the nurse a $100 bill for services I had her dead to rights. I hit my covert Life Alert button which was directly tied to dispatch. Within 10 minutes Kim was in handcuffs and off the streets until her bail was posted.

After the arrest Mrs. Wolcott requested a lawyer but before that admitted to her crimes and addiction. All in all she had sex with 9 residents to fuel her sex addition, and also pimped-out many Alzheimer’s patients purely for profit.

Considering her patients did not have the ability to consent as members of the state and were forced to have sex with other patients for money, Walcott is also being charged with sex trafficking on top of a geriatric abuse.

These men were literally sex slaves.

This has been the biggest domestic sex ring bust in modern-day nursing home history. Nurse wolcott’s last comment to detectives before asking for a lawyer was “I was making the world a better place. They were happy and I was making money. What’s the big deal”.

The Orlando Police Department said they would have busted her earlier but every one of her victims were quiet about the nurses actions. They were very tight-lipped about the sexual abuse.

Each and every patient refused to give nurse Wolcott up. No one was cooperating. It’s almost as if they enjoyed the abuse. This is why the undercover Detective was so imperative to the case.

The Orlando Police Department thanks everyone involved was getting her off the streets.


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