NFL bans transsexual ‘hoggett’ fans from stadiums – LBGT in an uproar

The Hogettes — a group of male Washington Redskins fans who wear women’s dresses and pig snouts to NFL games to cheer on their beloved Redskins are being discriminated against in one of the worst ways imaginable, by being banned from entry to all 32 NFL stadiums in a move LGBTQ activists are calling both racist and homophobic. Their reasoning? Public display of affection.

If you watched the division rivalry between the Eagles and the Redskins at the Vet stadium you saw a great match up and a hell of a performance by the Eagles.

But what you did not see was several Hogett fans flashing their breasts and nipples in the stands behind the Redskin Bench every time Adrian Peterson carried the ball. A total of 17 times these “fans” exposed themselves to women and children. They could be seen holding signs that read “AP you can beat me with a switch any day”.

And if you didn’t notice, it’s OK, because the NFL did. The organization sent a letter to the two women after the game, banning them from ALL 32 NFL stadiums.

The commissioner released a statement Tuesday stating that the fans who were involved in exposing themselves last Sunday violated the NFL fan code of conduct:

As a result, they were removed from the stadium and are suspended indefinitely from attending ANY NFL preseason or regular season game. The NFL does NOT tolerate fans of any kind being overly sexual in such a family environment.

Daniel Snyder, the owner of the Washington Redskins also had comment in which he failed to embrace the Hogettes. He called the group both “incredibly obnoxious” and “annoying”, and that the team banned them from the Redskin Stadium 3 seasons ago for dancing in front of the children in provocative fashion while trying to tell them stories of the great Cowboys rivalry of old.

And while not welcome in Washington, they did not receive a warm welcome in Philly either, where Eagles fans hurled half empty beer cans and batteries at the transsexual fans, often times in conjunction with racist and bigoted slurs that the NFL has yet to investigate.

LBGT spokesperson Pat Milder had this to say to the Tribune:

Are cross dressing fans not fans? Are they not free to express themselves in the ways that they feel comfortable? A lawsuit is being filed on behalf of the two fans for defamation of character and emotional stress caused from the events which they say caused them PTSD. In footage from a near by cell phone several Eagles fans can be seen ripping off the dresses of the Hoggetts in an attempt to humiliate them for the hair on their backs, while security guards sat back and laughed at the melee. They should of stopped what we consider sexual assault.

While the LBGT crowd hopes the NFL walks back the punishment levied on the fans, the NFL is sticking to their guns and even doubling down by suggesting a ban on all cross dressing fans who attempt to support the Hoggetts in any method. A secondary argument has been made by the LBGT that the Hoggett breast exposure in question was not indecent as the fans are in “male bodies” however the NFL response was “if you want to be a female fan you have to follow female fandom rules and that is no exposing your breasts in celebration or what ever”. More on this story as it unfolds.

It is noteworthy to add that Redskin QB Colt McCoy could be seen inviting the two cross dressing Redskin fans into his private limo after the loss to the Eagles, which whisked them away down town. When we reached to McCoy for comment his agent did not respond. Go Cowboys.


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