Reporters were left puzzled yesterday after the actor Neil Patrick Harris went off the script on the set of ‘A Series of An Unfortunate Events’ while giving an interview, spiraling into some sort of politically charged rant against one political candidate.
“One minute he was talking about his role as Count Olaf, the next he was literally shouting “Bernie Sanders — that f*&%ing Bernie Sanders” says Entertainment Tonight host Nancy O’Dell.
ET reporter Nancy O’Dell was in the middle of a scripted interview with the star in hopes to share an inside scoop on the 4th season of the hit Netflix show when Neil spotted the shows sound editor Ryan Juggler wearing a political shirt depicting Bernie Sanders running for election in 2020.

“It was very hard to watch” says Nancy:
One minute his eyes twinkled with glee as he gave his excellent Count Olaf impersonation, the next he was sobbing — telling us he was just a 16 year old boy.
While Nancy tells the Tribune she did not wish to pry, she needed to know what it was the 45 year old actor was referring to. “I asked him what he meant by being a 16 year old boy and he went on for some time — until his Agent literally pulled the plug from our camera”.
The actor had this to say:
It was 1989. I was 16 and on the set of Doogie, a relatively unknown actor at the time, filming just my 3rd episode of the show. In comes this guy who my parents later tell me is a representative for the state of Vermont.
The star and the politician have met in the past, and photos have circulated of the two on set together for the 90’s sitcom Doogie Howser M.D..
He says he is a huge fan of the show and tells me that he can really propel my career — that he is very well connected to several Hollywood executives. First he needed me to “act” for him at a closed set at his Vermont mansion. My parents only happy to see me succeed, sent me to the representatives mansion for the night.
There was a script. Many scripts. And he did have a sound room to speak my lines into so nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I read the name of the scripts. There were over 100 plus scripts in all which seemed odd.
Bernie Sanders has always been an avid fan of acting and it is publicly known that he was an aspiring voice actor, even going so far as setting up a sound stage in his mansion sub basement. He has some lesser known works circulating in the former Soviet Union that can be found on the Russian video sharing platform
And before I could even finish reading them the pills started to kick in. I was 16. I was experimenting with drugs and alcohol. But I never experimented with the same sex until I met Bernie Sanders.
Anyway, I vividly remember some of the scripts he had me read: A Few Hard Men, A Rear And Pleasant Danger, Ass Wide Shut, Cherry Ass Of Fire, Children Of The Cornhole, Chitty Chitty Gang Bang, Ferris Bueller’s Jerk Off, Mr. Holland’s Anus, Raiders Of The Lost Ass and many others.
At that point in time I was inebriated and willing to do what I needed to do to get ahead in Hollywood.
A visually shaken Patrick Harris continues with his accounts, and as of today there is no proof to substantiate any of his claims.
I was 16, and I had no idea what he was really up to. 16! I won’t go into any more detail, only that there were lots of pills and imported Russian Vodka involved. Bernie Sanders created and propelled my life of Drugs and Gay sex.
One night in his mansion changed my life for ever. Hell… I, I might not even be a homosexual if it were not for him. He did this. I no longer wish to be quiet. Every time I see his god damn face on those t shirts… I… I see that same face bearing down on me from the missionary position. The same god damn face”.
Nancy O’Dell asked Neil to substantiate these claims and Neil responded “with pleasure. You want proof? I have 15 different….”. Only moments later the camera feed was cut and Neil’s agent was seen whispering something into the actors ear before he was abruptly whisked away into his trailer with no further comment from the actor.
While many LBGT activists look at this as a positive for the LBGT community, conservative voices are concerned with the actors age in 1989, making Neil Patrick Harris 16 and under the age of consent in the state of Vermont where the alleged acts took place.
The Tribune reached out to Bernie Sander’s wife Jane O’Meara Sanders for comment, but did not receive a response. It is also noteworthy to add that Bernie Sanders was married in the same year that he met with the child actor — 1989.
What does this mean for the presidential candidate? That depends on how the public takes the news, but as of right now its all hearsay. If we look at the past crimes of the most popular Democrats it is safe to say this crime will go unpunished along side the rest of them.
Hollywood and Democrats, the two biggest Pedophile and Homosexual groups in the USA!
Came to see idiotic comments and you did NOT disappoint.
No doubt!!
Fake news
Fake? This happened bro.
Sure it did.
It did happen. I saw the video footage. He went into a dark place. He Wanted the truth out. I would be mad as f if the old f’er drugged me and forced himself on me. He said he wasn’t gay before it happened.
The Lampoon Tribune assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles (except celebrities) in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
That’s just a disclaimer in case the fake news guys want to hit us for not proving it. But no. This really happened!
Fake news !
Aucune preuve !