Man clings to life support from E. Coli after trend ‘eating’ wifes “a**”

Syracuse NY – a man clings to life support after conracting E. Coli fromm one of the most probable sources: his wifes fecal matter.

Johnathan Westcott and his wife Maria wanted to introduce something new to thier love life and after talking with friends and familiy he decided (with his wifes approval) that they would try the new internet trend called and we quote: “eating ass”.

The following morning Johnathan admitted himself to the hospital after feeling ill. Westcott told Dr’s he had no change in diet or anything noteworthy happen. The only change in Westcott’s routine that he could say after being questioned by Dr’s was that he had ate his “wifes booty” the night before.

The Dr’s tested Westcott’s blood for a barage of diseases and were not totally surprised that he tested positve for E. Coli. As his condition worsened he was admitted to urgent care where he is in critical but stable condition. The Dr. tells us:
There are many strains of E. coli. Most are harmless. However, one dangerous strain is called E. coli O157:H7. It produces a powerful poison. You can become very sick if you come on contact with it such as our friend Jonathan here.

Dr. Ruth a renowned sexual health expert has weighed in on the story reminding us that “not all booty is good booty” and to do a finger swipe test before placing your mouth on anything concidered potentially unsanitary. Her Twitter feed states:
Swipe the finger in any area you attempt mouth so skin contact, if said finger comes back with anything (excess sweat, body fluids, frumunda cheese, fecal matter) then reconcider until the area has been cleansed properly.


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