Make-a-Wish teen wishes for private show from porn star Stormy Daniels

Atlanta Georgia – a seventeen-year-old Make-A-Wish Foundation teenager shocked the foundation by reportedly wishing for a private show from the popular pornographic actress Stormy Daniels, as well as a “happy ending” whatever that may entail.

Bryon Singer, who is currently suffering from a life-threatening case of engorged testicles from the popular internet challenge ‘no nut November‘, was downgraded to terminal earlier this week when Make-a-Wish reached out to the young man.

Bryon states he is happy with the private show, but also told the foundation he was really hoping for fellatio or to “just hit it”, in case he passes away.

The Tribune has reached out to Stormy’s agent who says while she does book private shows the boys age of 17 comes into question. Her lawyers have also advised her that the boy does turn 18 in 2 weeks if he makes it that long, and also that the make a wish Foundation has a budget of $75,000 set aside for Bryon Singer which Stormy would be entitled to if the wish becomes fulfilled.

While the story gains national attention popular betting sites such as ‘bet now’ are placing wagers on whether or not the adult entertainer will make this wish come true. Vinnie Pizarro a local bookie in Newark New Jersey is taking bets at an unbelievable 500 to 1. When asked why the odds were stacked so high against the wish coming true Vinnie had this to tell us:

Not for nothing cuz but Bryon here is black. Have you reviewed Mrs Daniels um… resume? Out of the 2597 Hogs she has performed on, not one has ever been black. Ever. Go look it up. Stormy is racist as all hell. No way Bryon gets his wish. 500 to 1 anyway.

More on this most interesting story as it unfolds.


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