Joe Biden taps Caitlin Jenner as female VP – LBGTQ, Jill Biden displeased

Joe came through with his promise to select a female VP no matter what the cost, and while he did not disappoint, many inside the Democratic Party are puzzled by his choice.

While Biden has not commented publicly to reporters, his wife has been quite vocal and his social media campaign pages also point fully erect to Jenner as the VP hopeful for the Biden camp.

Joes twitter page had this to say:

We told you we were going to select a female! While many candidates have tickled my fancy in most wonderful of ways, Mrs. Jenner brings us a unique voter base and a bulging level of bipartisanship. Not to mention she smells wonderful.

It’s not all smiles inside the LBGTQ sphere however. Famous website released a poll asking its members how they felt about Joe picking a transexual candidate. The lesbians are irate that Biden did not pick the “lesbian variation” of the female gender, going so far as to call Biden a “butch basher”.

The gay members claim Biden is bigoted towards gay men, citing concerns to why the VP select can’t be of the best quality choice despite of gender. Bearcave229 comments: “gay men smell just as nice, Biden is towing a ballsy line.”

Even the transgender members seem upset with his choice and also are divided. Several transgendered suggest Caitlin will never be one of them until she says good bye to “Mr. Winkie”, what ever that means.

Wife Jill Biden has shown discomfort publicly on her personal Twitter page with several tweets in relation to Mrs Jenner. Here is one of them:

“So sick of having this muscle bound flirt taking advantage of my husband’s predisposition to perfume aroma. She knows he loves the scent of beyonce’s perfume. She won’t stop wearing it. He can’t help it as he has a rare form of odiferitus. Back off my Joe.”

All in all Mrs Jenner is typically conservative so the Biden camp is quite hopeful she brings some of that user base with her, we are told. More on this story when it unfolds.

UPDATE –  It appears Mr. Biden has disinvited Mrs. Jenner as rapidly as he opened his arms, with this now deleted tweet:

Not all is as it seems in the Biden camp. #Trickery  #tomfoolery.  Mrs Jenner has a surprise. I’ll give you a hint too, it’s a d***! I said we would be choosing a traditional female. Not cool. We didnt win the war of 17′ for this. Am I on punk’d?

Apparently nobody told ol’ Joe about Bruce’s transition? Or perhaps he forgot. stay tuned for future updates.


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