Not all is jolly in London. While the police have fined JK Rowling several times for retrospective racism, the arrest however comes after a field reporter of ours wore a wire during a meeting over tea. Field reporter Sara Sanger wore a wired recording device while under cover, proposing a fake movie deal to Mrs. Rowling. The content is mind blowing.
Anti-Semitism is more than swastikas and racial slurs. There are religious, cultural and economic aspects to anti-Semitism that can appear in several ways. A common anti-Semitic stereotype is that Jews are money-obsessed, stingy and greedy. And that they act as manipulators, leveraging to control various facets of society for their own personal gain at the detriment of others.
Inside the Harry Potter Universe, we meet many magical races. One of the more popular and well-known races is the Goblins. JK Rowling has stereotyped them as having big, hooked noses, and curly hair. They also work in banks and are greedy tricksters who will do anything for money.
Does this sound familiar? Yes, these are racist stereotypes of another type of people. You might be thinking “but J.K. Rowling is not a racist Nazi, because she even went after Pewdiepie for being a Nazi”, there is one thing about Nazis, they don’t want others to know they are a Nazi. So they hide their hate through media. Song, limerick or in this case, a 6 part fantasy novel.
Just look at the images included of these so called goblins from her movies. (Griphook and many bankers) They clearly display stereotypical Jewish features; large, hooked noses and curly “fro-like” hair.

Another one (a banker) appears to be sporting a Payot or sidelocks, a traditional Jewish hairstyle for men.
Not only do they look like the stereotype, they act like it. They work as bankers and are always concerned with money. How often do you see a goblin anywhere but in a bank in the Potter world? The most well-known goblin in Harry Potter, Griphook, has only a few interactions with Harry, one of which involves him tricking them and taking the sword of Gryffindor (a very expensive artifact) and leaving them trapped in a bank vault area. Also if you will notice, the Floor of the Bank has a Star of David design.
These obvious depictions of Jewish stereotypes have fueled hateful “memes” about Jews using images of Harry Potter goblins. Warning: they are very hateful. While J.K. has been fined for hate speech several times for her antisemitic behavior whilst spewing her tales, she was caught on tape admitting to it.
“Listen Griphook is getting a spin off. His own book, and we hope it translates well into the silver screen. Its about a village of Goblins (where Griphook was born) who are at war with a superior race of giants. The hero, a giant half breed named Adolphus Ferdinand attempts to exterminate the entire village of Goblins for hatred of his half Goblin heritage. Sound familiar? because, you know, I wrote the Goblins to represent the Jews. Long live the giants.”
Now that she openly acknowledged her hatred through mocking these victims (her goblin spin off is literally a holocaust spoof she says later in the recording) her hate crimes become more severe in stature.
The investigation is pending and future updates will be posted here. Other folks have decided to sound off as well and they write:
After re-reading the Harry Potter series, I am absolutely shocked at the anti-antisemitism that pervasive throughout. It takes little imagination to see the direct correlation between the depicted goblins and the NAZI’s “evil jew” and whats more they are depicted as BANKERS??? Honestly, this shows some extreme unconscious bias J.K. has towards the Jewish community at large. I will not be showing any young family members of mine these books and will be recommending others do the same. This is completely reprehensible. Same on J.K.
Another anonymous writer tells us:
Appalling. Simply appalling that an author writing such influential kids books would be inspiring such hate in this world, and to our CHILDREN none the less! I’ve already confiscated my family’s Hatey Potter books, and I’d recommend you do too. Don’t let your family read her anti-semitic books of Satan
A third chimes in:
I’ve recently decided to include “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone” to my family’s weekly movie night. I did not, however expect such antisemitic stereotypes to be portrayed in the goblins of Gringotts banks. I hope you can spread awareness of this, seeing already this much hatred towards my people and myself as a Jewish man.