Iran – Dr. Mohammad Saladin and his veteran team of researchers are all smiles today at the Iranian Institute for religious science. Saladin and his team claimed to remove and cure symptoms of homosexuality completely if treated at a young age.
The proprietary inoculation stems from a research article published to the American medical journal in 1963 labeled “Prenatally administering testosterone to the African clawed frog” which was known to have a high level of gay males inside its population. The study, by Dr. Richard Stone, shows that after three generations of testosterone treatments the male amphibians have completely lost any and all traits of homosexuality.
Without giving out too much detail, Dr. Saladin says that injecting extreme amounts of testosterone through their proprietary vaccine offsets the imbalance found in gay men often associated with environmental hazards in the form of estrogen mimickers.

The in development vaccine has been tested on prisoners jailed in Iran for acts of homosexuality over the past two years, and in many of the clinical trials subjects became increasingly aroused when exposed to heterosexual pornographic images. Subjects would be asked to masturbate to heterosexual porn and in each study, test subjects would be forced mid gratification, to view images of naked gay men in homoerotic situations. Each and every time, erections deflated by at least 30% within 20 seconds of viewing the ‘man love’ photography.
China and Russia are among nations interested in a cure.
The discovery has the LGBT lesbian, bisexual, gay and transsexual crowd in an uproar, and prominent gay activist Micky Ford in the all white “here and queer now” Atlanta chapter, says if his people were no longer gay they “would no longer be a minority group and protected class. Just white males”. He is actively lobbying for the vaccine manufacturer MERCK, to cease distribution talks with Dr. Saladin. Dr. Saladin’s team however feels they were doing Allah’s work and that “every vaccine administered will be one less person thrown from a tall building”.