Tehran | One of the most famous horses in the movie history, Sea biscuit (real name ‘Two Step Too’) has been stoned to death today for his participation in homosexual acts with another horse considered to be haraam and prohibited by the Qur’ran.
The crown price of Iran, Rezs Pahlavi, has one of the most lavish horse stables in all of the world — and a collection of world class horses to go along with it. Most are unaware that 7 out of the top 10 famous horses in the world are all owned by the crown prince.
But the horse ‘Two Step Too’, star of Sea Biscuit and other Hollywood blockbusters, was caught doing the unthinkable last month, when a stable hand caught the 8 million dollar animal having intercourse with another stallion in North East wing of stable #3, a Spanish Mustang stud used only for breeding.
The 17 year old horse earned his weight in gold for amazing performances in Hidalgo, War Horse, Sea Biscuit and Secretariat and was sold to the Prince in 2016 to the tune of 8 million American dollars — Two Step Too was rumored to be the pride and joy of the princes team of personal horses.
Ashkan Hamid apparently found the famous horse on three separate occasions submissive and receiving.
3 times I walk in on Two Step and 3 times he is engaged in the act of intercourse with the stud. I’ve went out of my way to make sure animals are not just playing and every time I confirm. I do see deep penetration each time. The 1st time I did hide this from prince in case it was… you know, a mistake. I was lashed for this.
The third time I found Two Step locked around the Spanish Mustang he was clearly enjoying the act, because Two Step was smiling. I tried to break the animals up and Two Step nipped me. He nipped me and knocked me over while holding me down with his hooves until he was “finished”. It was incredibly disturbing.
The horse was leaning over me, whinnying with a crooked smile, all the while pockets of drool fell from the corner of the animals mouth and into my face. I swear he was looking directly into my eyes as well as my soul, taunting me as he whinnied. I was pinned and could not move. I could not move until the two animals were finished with the deed over a half hour later. Only then would Two Step let me up. I lost consciousness twice. It was terrifying and every night I am haunted by that memory.
It was then the authorities were notified and the animal quarantined. The Disciplinary Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Brigadier general Hossein Ashtari has publicly condemned the act stating:
In our society, homosexuality is regarded as an illness and malady. Promoting homosexuality is illegal and we have strong laws against it. We consider homosexuality an illness that should be cured. However there is no cure yet, even if our scientist are working on one (more on that here) and is punishable by death.
Articles 232-233 of the new penal code would mandate a death sentence for the ‘passive’ male involved in sodomy, regardless of whether his role was consensual. We have to protect the kingdom from this infection. As the culprit in question is a beast I find it wise to make an example by burying the animal up to its neck and then stoning the head with fist size rocks until the animal is dead.
Several LBGT and Animal Rights groups concerned with animals and homosexuals have publicly denounced Iran’s Disciplinary forces decision to dispatch the animal, but it was too little and too late, At noon today Two Step Too was successfully stoned to death by an estimated 200 irate Iranians. Mobs surrounded the animal, and during what was believed to be the final blow, chants of “first the horses then our men” erupted to the animal whimpering in pain.

But most shocking of all was just hours later when the Trump administration launched a global effort to end decriminalization of homosexuality for all animals world wide. White House Official Press Secretary Sara Sanders had this to say:
It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct. This is not the first time the Iranian regime has put a gay horse to death with the usual outrageous claims. Politicians, the U.N., democratic governments, diplomats and good people everywhere should speak up — and loudly.
Trump also tweeted on the subject today stating “I deeply believe that LGBTQ horses should have every right that every other horse in the world would have.”.
Iran has not officially made a counter statement to the Trump Administration’s vow to globally defeat criminal proceedings against homosexuality.
Fucking heathers, no pun intended!