Illegal alien arrested for blowing up Applebee’s bathroom in Buffalo New York

Buffalo NY – police and fire paramedics were dispatched to a Westside Applebee’s late Tuesday night after idle threats became real threats.

31 year old Angie Morales weren’t from suggesting she blow up the bathroom to following through after she spent 45 minutes in the bathroom causing an ungodly “human safety hazard” which closed the restaurant’s doors for the remainder of the night.

Security footage reviewed by the Buffalo PD shows the woman burst through the front door’s screaming “move pendejo I got a turtle peeking in your bathroom is going explosiva.” (Spanish / Feminine version of the word explode).

The senior Hostess notes “we were at Max Capacity when she came banging in, crop dusting the entire dining area. Hashtag not welcome”.

Another customer who wishes to remain Anonymous added:

I couldn’t breathe and had a panic attack. I think this is PTSD. I knew she had to drop a brown trout but this was just absurd. We had to take our son to the ER over his Sulfur allergy and the overexposure that he was subjected to. Whatever sewer leak was wafting out of that stink hole let’s just say I understand why we need the border security.

The First Respondent’s entered the building with oxygen tanks. “Never in my career have I ever dealt with anything so traumatizing” States fire chief William McGillicuddy. “It was scary sending my men in but somebody had to rescue the hundred fifty plus people trapped, frozen with symptoms similar to carbon monoxide poisoning“.

The woman has been arrested for acts of domestic terrorism and is in ICE custody waiting to be deported.


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