Hollywood — Brie Larson (written out of Avengers) working with Alt-right Richard Spencer on new documentary

Last month our offices received an anonymous story which we wrote off as rabble rousing by internet users, but two very interesting sources have came to our field reporter and chief editor Marc Stiffener confirming what our tipster wrote.

Sources say Brie Larson is being written out of the avengers (possibly blackballed) for her secret alter life style: She is a White Nationalist.

Trent Opaloch (the Cinematographer for Marvel blockbuster Avengers endgame) has come forward with a story so shocking that Disney may be forced to make a very tough decision. In retrospect, Trent who no longer wishes to remain anonymous, sent us a letter last November filled of tales of Brie Larson’s childhood and of things rumored in the future.

In his 14 page letter he outlines something many people are unaware of, that Trent Opaloch and Brie went to the same high school together and that Brie was and always has been an Alt-Right White Nationalist.

Trevor tells us:

She would always make everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. And when I say “make” that is not an understatement. In 5th grade when her classmate Reggie Jenkins refused to stand she went right up to him and did some sort of Karate Sweep and knocked the chair right out from under Reggie. He suffered from a concussion. I just remember her hovering over him like a boxer taunting a knocked down opponent. She said “now get up and stay up boy”. The word boy struck a chilling nerve in us all, as Reggie is a person of color.

Photo of Reggie Jenkins. The man who says he was bullied by Brie in 5th grade.

We reached out to Trent personally after receiving this letter to confirm its legitimacy and he sent another copy notarized with full instruction to print the 14 page document, which we will be doing next week, at his request — during the Avengers weekend launch.

Over our phone interview Trent said he just could not keep quiet anymore. He told us that “it was a very well kept secret. You know, her past. Hollywood and Disney are completely unaware. They think she is some ultra liberal Social Justice what ever, and that is just not the case. She is pretending to be what they want her to be to get her roles in Hollywood. If anything she is a master manipulator.”

His letter went on to outline 11 outrageous claims of alt right behavior with Brie over her childhood, many with photo or shaky cam footage to validate these claims. An .avi file from 1998 was also sent to us electronically and in it we see a Young Brie shoot an arrow from her tree stand through the heart of a 6 point buck from 35 yards away. But that was not the content that upset the Lampoon and its staff. In it she took her younger nephew for his first time hunt, and in it she had him take a bite of the animals still beating heart while gutting and field dressing the animal. In the video which is quite dated she could be heard telling the camera “there you go boy that’s how its done, wait til’ Uncle Jerry hears this” and she wipes some of the blood under both her eyes and her nephews, like a soldier with his war paint.

While the phone interview with Trent lasts over 1 hour, he outlined her 10th grade history project which was a study of the American Indian war — he tells us:

In it she created a mock scalp that was supposed to represent what Native Americans did to American Soldiers when they scalped them. It was truly grotesque. She went into great detail of how they lived, what technology they had or lack there of, and for some reason she focused on the fact that they still had yet to discover the wheel. She used the word savage more than once. Students actually got up and left.

Lastly he speaks of a tale of her senior year where she actually raised enough money from fundraising to send her and several students to the Mexican border to protest illegal and legal immigration.

She washed cars for 3 months straight. Mowed lawns. Had bottle and can drives. What ever she could to fund her trip to the Mexican border. She was very goal orientated in school I giver her that. Her and her constituents held signs reading “working under the table just to funnel $$$ back to mexico” / “we only get the criminals” and “our jobs and or welfare are now up for contest.

Trent confirms that before Marvel was even done filming Captain Marvel he brought this to the attention of several Hollywood and Disney executives. They were appalled. Trent insists that things are going south for Brie. “Brie is done. They are writing her out of the movies. I am bound by non disclosure not to give away details — but expect her to die at the Hands of the Children of Thanos.”

Trent says that he spoke directly to Phil Holmes – Vice President of Disney’s Hollywood Studios and that the executive decision was already made. “Its done. Several other Hollywood executives will proceed with prior contractual engagements until 2021 and Brie might not have any work left at that point. How can she ever redeem herself after the documentary?”

Not knowing anything about this documentary our very own Marc Stiffener was saddened to learn that Brie has been colluding with alt-right leader Richard Spencer for some time now in what appears to be a documentary titled “In and out of the closet – the struggle of my secret life”. Trent tells Marc “the moment it was apparent to Brie that her career might be coming to an end due to her past being exposed, she started work on tell all documentary with Richard”.

What is in this documentary is at present left up to our imagination as details are scarce, but we bet it ends with a heart felt apology to her fans.

More on this story as we receive updates.


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