union soldier rapes mental patients

Georgia law to force abortion Seekers to spend the night in a haunted Asylum

Georgia governor Kemp penned a bill today that will force females looking to get an abortion to first spend one full night and an old Insane Asylum notorious for being haunted by the ghosts of over 60 fetuses.

The Tubman house (named after Harriet Tubman), was a nonprofit mental institution for legally blind women of color. From 1821 until 1972 the Insane Asylum ran until it was closed when the state decided that many of the mental health patients were better off roaming around on the street as ticking time bombs.

The Asylum is notorious for one of America’s most heinous crimes dubbed “The Summer of Love” where in 1865 a Union soldier made love to and impregnated at least 60 patients over a 1 week span.

Revolutionary abortion Dr Adolph VonGuttenDeCooter performed abortions on roughly 60 Wards of the state that fall / winter against the will of many of the asylums patients and an urban legend grew over time that the building was haunted by the unborn fetuses.

It Drew National media attention in 1998 when the Ghost Hunters TV program visited the facility recording Paranormal Activity, specifically that floating coat hangers and faint baby rattle sounds.

Darneeka Jones a new member of the Augusta community (and still pregnant as of this writing) was the first woman in the governor’s pilot program code named “scared to life“.

Darneeka tells us she had decided to have her baby after spending only two hours of the East wing of the Asylum, and even gave the baby a name. “Leviticus”, after the Union soldier who committed the heinous crimes so long ago. She had this to say:

That was the worst two hours of my life. Every room had the faint sound of a baby laughing and crying. Every step of the stairs I heard, no, I felt a baby’s rattle. But most disturbing was walking into a room I’d previously been in, only to find a coat hanger present that had not been there only moments prior. Just laying on the ground all twisted up. This place is really haunted. The babies were real and I can feel their energy here.

The dead father spoke to me in a waking dream, crying to me that he deserved to be a father and he should have had a say. Abortion is murder.

Pro-choice Advocates are fighting the bill claiming that fetus ghosts are not real ghosts, just a little clumps of paranormal energy.


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