Fortnite offering kids 200k vBucks to post a profile vid dressing in drag to promote pride month

After an outpouring of demands by the LBGTQ Community for Epic Games and Fortnite to “do more” to promote the LBGTQ agenda, Epic Games has decided to offer its users 200,000 in game “Vbucks” if they post a YouTube video being in drag — even photo avatars.

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney set the twitterverse a fire this morning by telling users that they have to do more to promote the LBGTQ community in a promotion they are dubbing: “just try it — unleash the queen”. Tim Sweeney states:

Everyone says ‘I’m not racist’ or ‘I’m not a bigot’or ‘I have a gay cousin and love gay people’ but what exactly does this do for the LBGTQ? Not much. These LBGTQ people are clearly suffering from lack of not only acceptance but human rights that the rest of us all take for granted.

You want to know what the big dogs at Epic Games are going to do about it? Lead the way, that’s what. You ready? Any user who dresses up and drag with dress, wig, makeup and takes an upper body selfie or video gets 200,000 Vbucks. 50,000 Vbucks for the photo, but a 30 second video on YouTube? 200,000k Vbucks. You know you want them Vbucks, kiddies!

To verify that you use your REAL photo or video prior to payment, the user must link his YouTube or Facebook account to Epic Games and then verify his Facebook / YouTube account with photo ID verification. This lets us cross reference photos and videos from each account to ensure you are keeping up on your end of the deal. Drag Queens are people too and after all we all a little queenly at times? Woot. Woot. *Tim fist pumps* Take the challenge if for nothing else, to put yourself in their shoes for an hour.

FORTNITE is known to push Female skins on it’s primarily young male user base, and making them the cheapest option, so this is just that on high heat“, Tim Concluded.

So far, hundreds of young boys have completed this LBGTQ challenge, resulting in what we assume many ransacked mother clothing drawers. But the message is clear, acceptance gets you so far. But including and recruiting, well that’s real progress.

Glad to see everybody coming together for this monumental event. What are you waiting for? Visit today and unleash the queen in you.

The Tribune asked Sony Executives if they are considering doing something similar for their PlayStation users… they simply posted a Facebook update stating that they promote “no LBGTQ shit households in Japan”.

More on this most remarkable story as it unfolds.


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