Fauci: “Pfizer’s rectal suppositories can slow Covid spread. We must do our part.”

Dr. Fauci: “medical rectal suppository plugs can prevent Covid-19 spread. We must do our part.”

A big question that we have finally fact checked: “Can you get the coronavirus from a fart?”

Our Dr. Fauci tells us:

The risk of getting the infection from farts is not as low as one would think. Drawing a link to farts – which often times will carry tiny poo particles – and the spread of COVID-19 can happen. These poo particles if small enough in micron can pass though cloth underwear and go right up your snoz. Then, you give it to Grandma. And she dies. You don’t want Grandma to die, do you? Sure, it may be uncomfortable until you get used to it. But it’s worth the risk.

Dr Fauci confirmed that he has been wearing his for some time, and more politicians and celebrities will consider posting videos encouraging others of do the same. A more informative “how to” video is now on youtube, starting Johnny Depp, where he goes into great detail with the process of using, cleaning and reusing.

Andrew Cuomo has floated the idea of mandatory plugs in order to leave home or work. And now that he’s resigned the new governor has suggested just that with a possible Trooper task force imposing random checks at various checkpoints throughout the bustling city.

Stay tuned for more information on this unfolding story.


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