Fallout 5 Bethesda captain Phil Spencer promises all characters will be non binary and more

Fallout 5 Bethesda captain Phil Spencer promises all characters will be non binary and more!

“We must do more” is the chant heard around the world by Phil Spencer. And he promises to do just that. Phil is stating that we can expect every character in the new Fallout 5 to start out as nonbinary. We are being told there will be no He / She / Her / Him pronouns anywhere in the game. Only they, them, their, theirs, themself sie, hir, hir, hirs, hirself zie, zir, zir, zirs, zirself. He also states that there are other gameplay mechanics that are put in place to be more inclusive to those of us who have been systematically destroyed by bigots everywhere.

Besides forcing players to be non binary, users can NOT have any relationships with characters inside the game of the opposite chromosomes (we assume he is talking about male and female chromosomes) until you first complete a side quest called “lovers tift”, a 3 hour long quest to help a transgender super mutant transition into zirself and gain the love and respect of the community, but more importantly to sway a scorned lover who appears to be transphobic”.

It sounds like they are going all in. And with a June release it will be poised to send its message during the most important month of the year for taking action. Phil Spencer weighed in a bit on his Twitter account and you can read his comments below:

Why do you think we bought Bethesda? To make games? No. We are going to change the world. I won’t go into much detail about the new Fallout 5 game but its going to change the way we see video games, to be more inclusive of those who often are cast aside by society. These stories aren’t your parents video game stories anymore, they are yours and yours alone. There are only gender neutral pronouns in the game. No more He / She nonsense.

All characters will be using non binary pronouns at all times, and the interspecies relationships will be going UP! Its going to be VERY common for lets say a Supermutant to have a relationship with a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, or a Ghoul to start a family with a raider. And I am spearheading a special side quest in the game called “lovers tift” which will be playable before the end of quarter 1. Stay tuned fan boys, or should I say fan bois.

Phil was also floating the idea of all relationships being interracial only. Which we are totally OK with.

Phil has done a lot in the past to combat bigotry, one of our favorite stories was when Microsoft was offering 6 months of Xbox Live to any gamer under 18 for posting a profile photo in drag to promote LBGTQ community.

Total genius. That article can be found here.


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