Don Lemon apologizes for Trump comments: “I am a minority. Which means I cannot be racist. I cannot be bigoted. I cannot be fired.”

CNN host Don Lemon showed terrible colors on Saturday — by mocking Trump supporters, calling them “hillbillies”. It all began on Lemon’s show after he criticized Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

They later described Trump supporters as illiterate “credulous boomer rubes,” which drove Lemon into a laughing fit for some time. Even the liberals were upset at Lemon with Alyssa Milano tweeting:

Its not nice Don. Laughing at derogatory terms. We thought you were better than that. #Shame. You have gone too far and are becoming the very thing you seek to destroy. With great power Don….

Don Lemon must be turning over a new leaf because he offered a wholesome apology in the opening segment of tonight’s show shocking his fans and foes:

I am a minority. Which means I cannot be racist. I cannot be bigoted. I cannot be fired. And I do not have to apologize. Any questions?

At the Tribune we are as shocked as everyone else. Maybe Don IS turning over a new leaf. Sources say his boyfriend Tim Malone’s comments to him on his twitter feed may have played a role in the apology. Long time lover and partner Tim tweeted:

“Don your comments are hurtful and maybe we need some time apart? You know my mother was a hillbilly and my father 2/3 hillbilly. I made up the couch for the night so please do not disturb me. Diner is in the microwave. -timmy”.

Bravo Don. Bravo.


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