Cuomo: “I may red flag any who refuse Covid19 vaccine

Andrew Cuomo is working in the epicenter of the nation’s pandemic and he proposes a solution, a vaccine. But Cuomo also raises an excellent question: “What good is a vaccine IF only 95% of Americans get It?” You know what? He may be right.

Andrew cuomo held a press conference today with 15 reporters, all from The New York Times where he had to answer several tough questions about the state of his own state.

1st and foremost we are addressing hydroxychloroquine. Let me be clear. It’s horse PISS. Period. All the evidence of it healing these people has been fed to us by disinformationists. Russians and white nationalists creating fake news. Get the fact checkers on them! All those people on death’s door until they took those pills…

***a reporter chimed in telling Cuomo that his Uncle, on his death bed, was cured with hydroxychloroquine when the reporter was quickly whisked away for disrupting the conference.***

Thank God that psycho is out of here. As I was saying, those cures were all just coincidental. You know these pills are only like 10 cents a pill? My God things than inexpensive never work, trust me. I really wish everybody would stop talking about it. That’s not a request. ***Andrew Cuomo then ran his finger across his throat in a slow, throat slitting gesture.*** I have a solution better that Hydroxy stuff.

Another reporter then asked the governor what the solution was.

There is only one solution. Or so my pharmaceutical representatives tell me. Vaccination. But what good is a vaccine if only 95% of Americans get it? No, we must make this vaccine mandatory. And doctor Fauci says you may need the vaccine each and every year too. If you want to be a New Yorker you gotta toe the line. Period. Otherwise you’re putting innocent children at risk. You don’t want to kill children do you? These vaccine makers work night and day and they donate millions were I suggest. They work too hard for me not to help them help us.

Another reporter started to slow clap with several other New York Times reporters following. Once that finished Cuomo was asked about what he planned to do.

I may play hardball with those folks. I may red flag those who don’t get the vaccine if that’s what it takes. Because anyone who refuses to vaccinate is endangering the lives of many, and a person like that can not be mentally sound. A red flag would be in order. My Troopers are on standby. Don’t tempt me you hillbillies. We will have your gun– I mean we will have your support on this vaccine matter. We are drafting an executive order to coincide with the release of the vaccine. Stay strong New York. I love you all, whatever it takes.

Stay tuned for future updates. Mandatory vaccines? Red flag laws? What are your thoughts? Sound off in the comments below.


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