Cleveland woman arrested for duct taping a 4 month old baby to a wall for 13 hours.

Cleveland Ohio | A 32 year old Cleveland woman has been arrested today and charged with several accounts of child abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, negligence and being under the influence of illegal substance, all while allegedly duct taping an infant to a bedroom wall.

Darneeka Jones, 25 was hired from the babysitting screener site to care for a 4 month old little boy on a three-week trial period so the parents could visit several comic book conventions in Las Vegas, Orlando and Michigan.

The Cleveland Police Department says they were provided Nanny cam footage from the parents, who suspected something was wrong after returning from their first weekend trip only to find little Joseph with a sticky residue on parts of his exposed Skin.

Chief Wright of the CPD released this statement at this morning’s press release:

While far from the worst case of child abuse we have seen, this is probably one of the most disturbing. Within 10 minutes of the start of her babysitting shift Miss Jones can be seen clearly duct taping the baby’s torso to the wall. She fastened the baby with an estimated 17 strips of tape, leaving the child’s limbs exposed to dangle, we only assume so the child could somewhat pacify itself. She can then be seen pulling a TV dinner tray up to the baby’s waste, placing several Fig Newton cookies on the tray and exiting the room for almost 13 hours.

The parents of the child are just happy that the baby is okay. After a brief medical examination the child was cleared from physical damages and released back home. The Father Paul Murray had this to say to the Tribune:

We thought something may have been wrong after the first weekend we left our child with Darneeka, he reeked vomit and had a sticky residue on his body which the police later determined to be duct-taped leftovers. So we bought a nanny cam but never expected this.

He continues, this time more visually disturbed:

We pulled the nanny cam tapes right when we came home. The entire house smelled like cocoa butter.
I’m afraid she may have defiled our couch too because we found some empty condom wrappers in the cushions of the couch. We are staying at our parents home until the house has been fumigated and deloused.

The family couch was absolutely sullied to the point where the integrity of the fabric was compromised. Also good to know: The hepatitis C virus can survive outside of the body for up to 3 weeks

Chief Wright was able to confirm that Darneeka had multiple men in the home at different times, based on aerial footage from a nearby Walgreens security camera.

Chief Wrights statement recapped:

While Miss Darneeka lied several times she ultimately admitted to having multiple gangbangs inside of the home and that she just couldn’t be bothered with “the little white boy”. She can be seen on camera drinking a Schlitz malt liquor bottle and snorting a white powdery substance which was later determined to be crack cocaine. She originally told us she left the child to care for her sick Aunt however her EBT statement shows a round trip to and from a Planned Parenthood on Brinkerhoff Avenue in downtown Cleveland.

She was having a midterm abortion then engaging in sexual activity just 30 minutes later. County Jail gynecologist Jim Snifter says “she really should have waited a bit longer” before engaging in sexual activity.

Darneeka was arrested at her home residence and is facing up to 20 years in prison if convicted of the charges against her.

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