BUSTED! Obama let States feed excess soy to minority inmates, making culture gay.

In a bombshell wikileak, classified emails from the then 2010 POTUS Barack Obama show the president colluding with the Surgeon General to have 37 States pump copious amounts of soy to the inmate population for what experts believe to be an elaborate ploy to control population growth. All this through methods of depopulation, such as steering ones sexual preferences to that of a non reproducing one.

After reviewing the email and subsequent report, Obama replied to the Surgeon General with great enthusiasm. Below is an excerpt from the email:

I agree in that we are not doing enough for the LBGTQ folks agenda. This is a classic two birds one stone scenario. The violent subculture of testosterone-driven criminal, will in greater numbers, stop breeding. Future tax dollars will be saved. They say we are not doing enough for the LBGTQ folks agenda? Well now that group’s numbers are growing.

Effective 10/10/2010 our Administration will be green lighting “project soy boy” to the 37 states that have agreed to participate in FLOTUS Michaels new prison meal plan, resulting in an agreed three hundred thousand percent increase in soy intake for said inmates. We are considering cutting Federal funding to the 13 states objecting to “project soy boy”.

Experts worry that increasing soy in one’s diet produces estrogen mimickers that encourage the opposite of what one earns from testosterone, that being increased femininity from estrogen. Dr. Mohammad released a scholarly study on this topic which has become the go-to for the Obama administration’s meal plan. Here is a snippet:

When a man consume excess amounts of soy he is subject to estrogen mimickers.

When these estrogen mimickers get into your blood, they adhere to estrogen receptors on your cells. Since the receptors take in information for the cells, this allows the chemical estrogens to instruct your body to look and feel more like a woman.

This triggers a series of physiological events. For one, a man’s testosterone levels drop and estrogen levels rise. When that happens, fat starts to accumulate in his breasts and belly. His muscles shrink, and he become soft. He also feels tired or moody and lack sexual desire. It’s a vicious circle.

Copious amounts of estrogen makes men more feminine, to the point of adopting female actions. These include but are not limited to: female like posture, breast growth, female sounding voice, seeking out mates with high levels of testosterone and overall limp-wristed daintiness.

These female traits than lead to female desires, primarily the urge for a high testosterone driven penis.

The 37-page study on the effects of soy exposure in men (when looking at the present) also correlate high rates of gays in both the prison population and subsequently the urban community and its Ghettos. The urban community had an increase of LBGTQ members by over 300% since 2010, proving the Obama initiative has reached its goal.

The scholarly article believes aggressive soy intake is responsible for the growth of homosexuals and Obama’s email confirms the government’s motive and involvement in ramping up soy in American prisons and even some of the school systems. Soy leads to estrogen.

Vermont prisoner Jamal Jenkins tells the Tribune:

Dudes don’t even take the Booty by force anymore, for some reason in prison like 99% of all male on male Prison Sex has been consensual. And there is so much more of it now too.

Jenkins tells us as he licks his spoon clean from his 10,000% soy Banana Split — shared with three other inmates at the jails ice cream social.

And many think all is well, as crime is down in those 37 States while more and more urban communities haven’t looked or smelled better. Odors of Beyonce’s new fragrance wafting through the once dankest of alleyways.

A lot of your violent crime is being replaced with more non-violent Crimes of Passion. Brooklyn New York leads by example with a 37% increase in gangs that only recruit LBGTQ members. The Bloods have splintered off and have a chapter called ‘blood positives’ that only accept LBGTQ members into its chapter, and with a new, friendly twist on initiations that revolve around hair Blbraiding challenges rather than killing other gang members.

These gang Bangers instead of gang banging are planting flowers all over the city and bringing awareness to the gay communities HIV positive and AIDS infected members. Or passing out condoms and promoting safer methods of anal sex.

Governor Cuomo while refusing to admit Obama had had any involvement in “Project Soy Boy” said “if it’s true is it even a bad thing”? He then went on to show the Tribune photos in a scrapbook of his wife and children in attendance at every New York City Gay Pride Parade since taking the role of New York State Governor.

See, we love that community. Here is a great photo of my daughter riding on the backs of one of the ‘gyrating woolly bears’, a friendly and fabulous group of men that frequent the parade every year. We never miss the parade. Its mandatory for my kids but eventually it’ll be mandatory in all NYS school’s too as we roll out the 2021 lesson plan.

More on this story as it unfolds.


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