Don Lemon sits down with Jill Biden for a very personal Q & A. She lets the world know what poor Mr. Biden has been dealing with. What he is fighting to overcome, and OCD variation known as – Desiderosmia: Otherwise being addicted to pleasant odors – to the point of needing to seek them out and smell them.
20 minutes into the interview Mr. Lemon dropped a monster. “Jill, I’ll ask you, you know, because of the photos already circulating on the net. What’s the deal with Joe appearing to sniff people?”
An eerie silence followed. Jill paused for a quite some time, face growing more amber. Finally she exhaled a breath and whispered “it’s time”. Looking perplexed Don asked her what she was referring to, but Jill didn’t hold anything back.
My husband has an addiction. It’s not something we ever cared to talk about publicly, but now that the photos are trending and people are talking, we might as well come forward. It’s not a sexual addiction or predatory thing, so ignore those Internet bullies. Making fun of this poor man fighting his addiction. This disease he cannot control. No, Joe has Desiderosmia and can’t help his sniffing. It’s a subclass of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) where he has to seek out pleasant odors once they hit his nose.
For older listeners who may remember Pepé Le Pew, he too was suffering from Desiderosmia. Joe’s sensory overload forces him to seek those odors just as Pepé did.
When Joe is seen grabbing and sniffing people I assure you, it’s not personal. It’s not sexual. Joe likes pleasantries. Take it as a compliment. OK. Not that’s that. Please, no more questions about Joe’s disease unless you are willing to help us raise awareness.
[/quote]The Full 45 minute interview is set to air on prime time tonight on Mr. Lemons CNN slot. Let’s hope we can put to bed the vicious rumors about Mr. Biden from here on out and focus on defeating Trump.

Exceeeeeeeeeeept it’s always little girls and women. And the face and hair stroking ?
He strokes their hair so he could smell it on his fingers, duh.