Do you have a loved one who is incarcerated? Is he a minority? Is he over the age of 45 or under the age of 19? Has he spent five or more years behind bars with no behavioral incidents?
If he is a minority who fits one of these stipulations he may be eligible for immediate release from prison if Bernie Sanders and AOC have their way.
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are joint sponsoring a bill code-named ‘Liberate the downtrodden’ which aims to propel victims of systemic oppression, combating mass incarceration by overly white skin government.
Opponents of the bill argue that states like New York have released so many convicts from prison and anyone still a part of the prison system is there for legit crime and has an already watered down prison sentence.
Mark Ingram from All Lives Matter in rebuttal on Twitter states:
In New York inmates are released from prison for the most heinous of crimes in less than 10 years. It’s absurd. Research it yourself. Cuomo’s parole board is notorious for releasing murderers back into society. These people serve a lot less time then they should have.
Bernie Sanders slammed the opposition today by citing a popular meme. He reads:
People of color make up 37% of the population but 67% of the prison population. We have a racist criminal justice system that must be reformed.

It was at that time in front of the podium that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grabbed Bernie Sanders hand, lifted it over her head, demanding Justice. She teared up slightly before continuing:
Most African-Americans are descendants of slaves. This history has created social economic conditions devastating to people of color. My people. They grow up in crime infested areas with no access to positive role models because all the men are in jail or prison for bogus felonies. So they just listen to gangsta rap music which encourages the impoverished youth to emulate negative behaviors.
Bernie Sanders, Clearly now struggling to hold his hand over his head flashed a ferocious look as he took the proverbial Torch from AOC and continued the verbal melee:
Many of those same impoverished blacks Alexandria is referring to are unable to secure certain jobs because of their crimes or lack of education, so they resort to more crime. And they end up in jail. It’s a vicious cycle based on many environmental factors.
White men such as myself helped create this problem. If you’re a person of color, young or old, with good behavior, you need to be released from prison and given a new lease on life. It’s the only way to break the cycle. Our joint bill is going to truly create a positive prison reform experience.
Upon exiting prison we will remind them that they truly are Americans, with pamphlets to the nearest polling stations as we enter the 2020 election.
AOC picked up where Bernie left off, with a heartfelt tug on our emotions, bringing up many dangers that felons face while in prison:
People die from simple stuff like the hydration in prison because they don’t have access to good liquids only dirty tap water that they should not be forced to drink. And they just die. They need better food. Why can’t they get Cherry Kool-Aid?
The free college? Sub-par. The tablets? Not even iPads. They don’t have access to the things a free Society has. Just because they murdered or raped someone in the past, does not make them bad people in the future. These are our good young people being systematically destroyed by a rich old white system.
It’s their intent to enslave through incarceration and it is our intent to liberate them. Some of those who run forces, are the same that burn crosses. Uhhhhhh.
The all lives matter chapter in Brooklyn referenced FBI crime stats as a Twitter counter rebuttal, stating that people of color are being locked up appropriately. Citing FBI data which shows just 13% of the population in America is committing over half of the murder and violent crime. Spokesperson David Chattaway then wondered if at the end of AOC speech her material Came From A Rage Against the Machine song.
Did you hear her speech? She’s quoting a Rage Against the Machine song to imply police officers are KKK members. I think she’s insane.
While they would not comment on the Rage Against the Machine lyrics, a Sanders / AOC Public Relation team member was asked if the FBI crime stat could refute any of the politicians talking points — when Reginald White said this:
Everybody knows those FBI stats are racist. We are in the process of slowly getting them scrubbed from the internet. Facebook spokeswoman Mary Saget tells us that just sharing the crime statistic on Facebook comes with a instant removal of the post and a 30-day post restriction. We do not share stats that promote ill will towards others.
Stay tuned for future updates on this bill. It has an uphill battle says the AOC/Bernie team but they feel they are making wonderful progress. Any comments? Sound off below.