AOC: protestors don’t know how to use self checkout: “not Criminal”

AOC: protestors don’t know how to use self checkout: “not Criminal”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave a speech today from behind the new border wall along the capitol building, reminding us of the dangers of systemic racism. But most importantly the need for an education in retail shopping with regard self checkout machines.

“They don’t know how to use them. You can see a man here trying to swipe this hammer over and over again before smashing the cash box out of pure frustration. I’m paying that man’s bail if he has one.”

Alexandria proposed a new bill to give every and all people of color a 500 dollar check to use at any Target location. The catch? They need to utilize the self checkout. In closin she states “Caucasian people take this knowledge for granted”. She is rolling out the details soon so stay tuned.


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