Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is taking a page out of the 2012 EPA playbook. Doubling down on the original regulations and proposing a bill that will outright ban all wood burning stoves by 2020.
She held a rally outside of capitol hill today with one main goal in mind: The health of the environment.
While protesters on both sides showed up to sound off it was Alexandria with the platform and her voice rang with virtue as she started her speech — suggesting America take action before there are “reprehensible consequences”.
Yeah so those wood stoves make your apartment feel like a welcoming rustic cabin. Do you think its worth it in the long run? Wood stoves make every American susceptible to a house fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.
Plus the American Lung Association lists exposure to wood smoke as a potential risk factor for lung cancer. We really need to get rid of these archaic machines. Windmills and solar panels are the future, and we can not progress into the future unless we eliminate the past.
The vibe of the crowd was clearly listening and in tune, even the opposition was silent as she continued with her talking points.
Her secondary concern however shows the gentle side of the young politician — she is concerned for our feathered creatures. She states:
Birds, due to their unique respiratory system are more sensitive to the effects of carbon monoxide than other animals are. If we don’t do something now about the carbon monoxide every single bird in America will be dead.
The doves, owls, peacocks and water fowl… all dead by 2025 if we do not act now and cut down carbon monoxide emissions. I will fight for our feathered friends.
Next Alexandria spoke to the crowd about the abuse of our forestry and nations wooden splendor.
Can you say death machine? Think of how many trees must be murdered in order for you to heat your home for just 2 days. A lot. Lots of trees. Its only a matter of time before all the trees are gone. If this happens we will literally be paying for soda bottles repackaged with clean air. So like no. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.

A reporter from Fox news, Brit Hume when called upon, asked her if she was quoting a children’s story. Oscario Cortez gave it right back before asking the reporter to be escorted away stating “Shame on you Brit”. Brit then suggested the bottled air argument she brought to light was just “a part of the plot” in the movie adaptation of the 1971 book the Lorax.
Cortex fired back telling the out of line reporter “listen you’re in my house … it’s not respectful. As a general rule I am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when I’m up here in the house. Get this man out of here.” As the Fox news reporter was escorted away she flashed a wink to the crowd and they were in an uproar hooting and hollering. As the chants of “shame shame shame” died down she continued her speech.
She suggested that The EPA has already banned the production and sale of 80 percent of America’s current wood-burning stoves. That the blue print is already there and that her proposed bill should not be of shock to anyone.
The oldest heating method known to mankind and mainstay of rural homes and many of our nation’s poorest residents needs to go. Its just not feasible anymore. We will be a green nation.
This news does not seem to come as a shock to anyone in any sphere of the political spectrum, as her new green deal in the past outlined a future with similar plans of action.
Stay tuned for future updates on the junior politicians new proposal.