2 King County Sheriff’s have killed at least 50 people in the line of duty behind their badges.

OPINION: King County Sheriff’s office has to start answering. These two deputies seen in this photo have killed at least 50 people in the line of duty behind their badges. Is now the time to talk about the declining mental health state among our police officers?

The Lampoon Tribune has recently held a closed door interview with Former Kings County Sheriff’s Deputy Lambert Kendal who was willing to speak to us openly about these two rogue police officers.

Kendal tells us that unlike the police departments official statement clearing Richard Grimes from the murder of his partner Shane Walsh (the officer to the left in this photo — had also killed over 20 people) back on a cold Autumn night in late 2011.

Kendal says the shooting was not a training accident but a deliberate ambush and murder of Deputy Shane Walsh. This was primarily in relation to an argument and custody dispute over who was the better father and lover to Richards wife, Lorie Grimes. Deputy Walsh was believed to have slept with Lorie Grimes on multiple occasions and it is understood that she is also pregnant with Deputy Walsh’s child. To make matters worse Deputy Grimes has been indemnified and is still allowed to retain his position as a full time deputy sheriff in the State of Georgia and maintains custody of his son Carl as well as Judith, the newborn love child of his deceased wife and partner.

Richard “Rick” Grimes has killed 30 plus in the line of duty and is for many reasons a very unstable father to his children. We have to take a stand and speak out against these types of people.

And if it can not get any worse, Donald Trump just does not care. He states and we quote:

They are very fine people.

Can you say white privilege? It is time to start having a serious discussion about what it means to be White in America, and what we can do to start leveling out the playing field.


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  1. What does skin color have to do with anything here? This isn’t reporting news. This is nothing more than an attempt at ridiculously biased spin in order to push a an outdated and damaging doctrine/political agenda. Stop trying to cause more unnecessary division and drama between races and groups. Perhaps you should find some honor in journalistic integrity or go write an op ed piece in your local town newspaper. We are Americans, and we are all privileged. Fight injustice without bias… write about news of people without all of the secular divisive propaganda… Maybe… Just maybe… use your unique platform to bring people together rather than promote resentful disciplines and hateful ideology. You do nothing more than perpetuate the problem… throw propane on a fire that has nearly burned all the way down to ash. White male privilege was a term invented by a feminist in 1988 trying to get published. I think we’ve grown as a nation in the last 40+ years, regardless of how people like you attempt to stoke the flames of hate and segregation. This toxic and sociopathic refusal to see an objective reality While promoting false and damaging narratives will continue to widen the hole in the heart of America. You are dismantling… not improving! Lift people up collectively to foster change for the better. Don’t tear groups down to fit your political agenda. Keep your hate breeding Intersectionality to yourself. You are no better than the racists

  2. You should probably go and Google Rick Grimmes and Shane Walsh.

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